Having a baby in Houston?

Our doulas are

experts in happy

BIRTH days &

restful postpartums.


Your Houston Doulas & Newborn Care Specialists

Support and expertise for growing families

We understand the excitement and concerns families face as they prepare for birth and baby’s first weeks. Our dedicated doulas and newborn care specialists will walk with you through this time, providing support every step of the way.

Natural birth in Greenville, South Carolina

Our doulas support hospital, home and birth center birth.

A dou-what??

Our doula FAQ is the real deal about all things doula.

Jump to Class Dates & Registration

Looking for birth or lactation classes? Find them here.

Childbirth Classes in Houston and The Woodlands

Get the FREE Guide

Need a little doula mojo right now? Enjoy our free labor guide .

Birth Doulas

Having a doula at your birth is like bringing Mary Poppins to your birth.

Your doula is a labor whisperer, personal assistant and diplomat all rolled into one. It’s almost like bringing Mary Poppins to your labor (but perhaps with less singing).

Our doulas support all types of birth. We specialize in VBAC, natural birth, pregnancy after infertility, multiples, surrogacy, Cesarean birth, 1st time parents and out of hospital birth. Let us know what you need.

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Childbirth Classes

With no scary videos.

We believe in evidenced based practices and also recognize that you know more about your needs than anyone else. Birthing choices are parenting choices, and we support your choices. Our childbirth classes teach you to have the birth you want.

Postpartum Doulas & Newborn Care Specialists

Infants are magical, enjoy those precisous first weeks.

Our postpartum doulas and NCSs will come alongside your family as you adjust to life with a newborn.

And you can SLEEP.

Having a postpartum doula or NCS during the first weeks of your baby’s life means having someone there for all your new parent questions - about feeding, diapers and the weird things babies do in their sleep. It’s priceless support.

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We believe your birth matters. We also believe…

Coffee (yes, even decaf) makes most things better. ♡ Being Prepared is a good motto for Scouts and parents. ♡ You’ll always remember the day you birthed your baby.

This baby will only be born once. Make it a happy BIRTH day.

Childbirth in Greenville, South Carolina with a doula

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 Are you a certified doula, educator or lactation professional looking to join our team?

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